The hardest person to lead I ever met…

I have been working on my personal development for as long as I can remember. 

I have learned through trial and error what I invest the time into determines the result I will get. As a very goal-oriented woman, I have been intentional about writing out the vision I have for myself and for the goals I want to achieve, and year after year when I sit down and reflect on what I was intentional about, it once again shows me that true growth will happen when we are committed to the process. 

Building a dream, a career, a business, or whatever it is you want for yourself is never easy. If it were easy everyone would do it.  

Most people think leading others is hard, but in all reality, the hardest part about being a great leader is leading ourselves.

Perhaps my new "Goal Getter" dream planner can help you get there. Take a peek at what I just added to my inspiration shop to help you chase down and seize that dream of yours.... 

This goal planner has been thoughtfully put together for you using the tools that I have been using for myself over many years in my corporate career through building my own company.

The first place to start is with yourself, so start by making an appointment on your calendar to carve out some “me time” and writing down what you want most out of life. What do you stand for and what do you value most in your life? That is an important piece of the story you want to create for your life.

Always remember that you are the one in the driver's seat of your life. 

What you prioritize and work on is what will become if you are true to yourself and put the effort in.

Trust the process.

The prize is in the process and who you become in the process.

I believe in you.



3 tips for a successful START to 2021 🎉


I’ve Been Keeping a Secret…