I’ve Been Keeping a Secret…

If you know me, you know I have a hard time keeping a secret, especially if it is a juicy one.

When COVID-19 hit and my calendar quickly began to delete many of the speaking events I had lined up for 2021, I had to take hold of the situation and make a decision.

Was I going to let this twist of fate stop me from pursuing my dream of building my company or was I going to take this moment by the horns and create my destiny? 

I chose the latter of the two and decided if I was going to have a little more time on my hands than expected then I better make darn good use of it.

For the last 5 years, I have had a consistent ritual of writing down what I want to achieve, who I was going to do it with, and envisioning what it would look like once I did it. 

I have done this actually since I was very young (it’s a gift I have in my top 5 strengths called Futuristic) and as long as I have put the work into what I wanted, I have watched it come to fruition.

One of my dreams has always been to have a shop on my website with inspirational and useful items to help others reach their potential. It started with my first ever inspirational quote deck (click here for a look at them) that I have been creating over the last year. Today I am letting you in on the secret I have been keeping until now…

If you are someone who loves to stay organized and accountable for what you say you will do then this new product is just for you.

If you have a dream you want to pursue but have a hard time staying consistent working towards it, then this one is for you.

If you want to take your personal development to the next level but need that extra dose of motivation, then this one is definitely for you.

Without further ado, here is the big reveal…

Be one of the first ones to get your hands on The Kelly Merbler Company “Go Getter”  Planner Journal and set yourself up for success in 2021.

This beautifully designed inspirational action-oriented goal planner was created for those who are working towards their purpose, want an action plan to help them achieve their dreams, and a little bit of inspiration while on the journey.

Ignite Inspire & Achieve your dreams! 



The hardest person to lead I ever met…


I waited FIVE years to say this…