3 tips for a successful START to 2021 πŸŽ‰

More than 90% of people will begin their New Year with a resolution, but 50% of those resolution makers will quit by the end of January. Why? Because creating change isn't easy. If it were, everyone would do it. I was actually a member of the "quitters club" for many years until I changed my mindset. This shift began with no longer making resolutions, but instead, I shifted to a setting of intentionality with my goals.

You see, the purpose of a resolution relates to something we WANT to change, while an intention is something we take action TO change. It's the difference between a noun and a verb.

My mistake at that time was in trying to do everything all at once instead of being consistent at little things every day. I placed so much pressure on myself that if I didn't see a huge result quickly, I would act like it wasn't working.

Four years ago I decided to change how I approached the New Year. Instead of setting a resolution, I began to set my intention. What would I want to focus on consistently in the New Year?

I decided to begin the year with a theme that served as my central focus throughout the year. I became consistent in how I looked at life through that lens and developed habits of action that I could build upon.

Some examples of those intentions I utilized through the years have been: BUILD COURAGESPARK REINVENTIONCONTINUE BUILDING, and ELEVATE MYSELF.

Perhaps this is something you are struggling with as you seek to find for yourself in 2021. Consider the strategy of shifting your thinking to build a foundation to grow on. Remember that I had a hard time coming up with what was the right intention for me. I had to spend some serious time reflecting on what I wanted for the long-term versus what I wanted right now. That was going to take time and consistency.

As you set your intentions for 2021, here are my 3 tips to help you get started in the right direction and stay in the race. Just remember, you aren't racing anyone but yourself β€” start with you!

You cannot be who you are not, but you can certainly be a whole lot more of who you already are as a person. Begin with writing down what your natural gifts are...we all have strengths. What is it that you do well and find yourself energized when do…

You cannot be who you are not, but you can certainly be a whole lot more of who you already are as a person. Begin with writing down what your natural gifts are...we all have strengths. What is it that you do well and find yourself energized when doing it? That is something to dig into and build upon. You are unique in your own special way, and I promise you there are clues when you start with your strengths. A great resource to discover your natural strengths is something that I just happen to be an expert in doing. I would highly recommend you take the CliftonStrengths assessment immediately. You can find that assessment here and I am happy to coach you through it when you are ready.

I am all about working on growth, but many fail because they over plan with so many goals. An example would be establishing where they want to be by a certain date and when they don't reach that target date, they feel as if they failed. Start with b…

I am all about working on growth, but many fail because they over plan with so many goals. An example would be establishing where they want to be by a certain date and when they don't reach that target date, they feel as if they failed. Start with baby steps. Set three specific goals you want to achieve and the action you need to take to work towards them. The action you need to take is the key here. What are the specific steps you need to take to get closer to your goal?

Most people look at what they need to start doing instead of what do you need to STOP doing. Perhaps you are not reaching the success you are seeking because you need to STOP hanging around certain people who drag you down? Maybe you need to STOP co…

Most people look at what they need to start doing instead of what do you need to STOP doing. Perhaps you are not reaching the success you are seeking because you need to STOP hanging around certain people who drag you down? Maybe you need to STOP comparing yourself to others on social media and celebrate what you have been able to accomplish along the way? I could go on and on, but you get my drift here. What do you need to STOP doing so you can START moving forward?

I hope these tips have helped you start setting your intentions for 2021! In case you are wondering what I chose for my intention in 2021, here it is:

I will CREATE MOMENTS this year. I want to create moments that replace anger, sadness, and fear with moments that change hearts and transform the world through good values, support for one another, and positive impact.

I can't wait to hear what your intention is for this year. Please be sure to send me a note and share so I can help create moments around your intention and if you need a little help on forming the right habits and consistency you need to definitely check out my new "Goal Getter" journal that includes yearly, monthly, and daily action steps to keep you consistent. Check it out here

Cheers to 2021, Kelly

Cheers to 2021,


BIG NEWS! I am doing a 5K with my mentor, John Maxwell himself!!


The hardest person to lead I ever met…