The Number One Question I Get Asked

The number 1 question I get asked as a leader is, “How do I find a mentor and what does that look like in my life?” 

The answer is simple but took me years to discover the answer.

Mentors are not found, mentors are earned.

I remember a period in my career when I felt as if I was outgrowing where I was.  I didn’t feel like I was learning anything new, but as long as I hit the KPI’s in my role, that meant I was successful to others around me.

Truth be told, my success was shrinking because my mind wasn’t growing.  I became a hamster on a wheel of corporate America.

So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and seek out a mentor, but before you think that was an easy task, let me tell you, it took a whole lot of effort and work.

Since this is a question I am asked often, I thought I would share my best 3 tips of how to find a mentor with you in hopes that it will help you find the right one for you: Click Here!

I would love to know how you found your mentor or if my tips have inspired you to start looking.

To Your Growth,



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