That little something could be everything.

Four years ago I took a chance.

Four years ago I took a chance and sent a letter to John Maxwell asking him to mentor me in my growth. It was a long shot to say the least, but what did I have to lose?

As you can imagine, John has a very busy schedule and is normally traveling around the world speaking and teaching leadership.

To my surprise, he not only read my letter, but he called me personally and invited me to lunch.  


Our lunch spanned a solid two hours and we covered a lot of ground. Amazingly, those two hours he gave to me changed EVERYTHING for me in life. My mind opened up to what leadership really was and how to live in my purpose by serving others. His experience in leadership helped me to see all of the mistakes that I had made and ignited a spark within myself which gave me the courage to follow my dreams.

Those two hours provided me with the opportunity to learn from a leadership expert who was doing what I had always aspired to do and allowed me to ask questions on how to get there. His belief in me gave me confidence.

That little SOMETHING he gave to me, changed EVERYTHING about how I saw leadership and what I was capable of accomplishing.

Now I am living my life and investing in others who ask the same from me. I promise to pay it forward for the rest of my life.

If he could find the time for me, I have no excuse.

To your growth,
Kelly Merbler


Who knew that coffee could do this?


My Inspiration Has Gone to the Dogs…