BIG NEWS! I am doing a 5K with my mentor, John Maxwell himself!!

Yep, you read that right. On January 23rd here in Palm Beach, I will be walking alongside my mentor and the person who taught me everything about leadership, John Maxwell as we walk – socially distanced of course – a 5K in support of his effort called “Change Your World”.


I have actually been waiting for this moment since 2016. Back then, I joined John in Paraguay to bring leadership transformation to that country. He had been invited by the President of Paraguay to bring transformation into the country and I was part of that original launch team. It was an AMAZING experience and one that still gives me goosebumps when I reflect back on the change we initiated.

To this day, over 2 million leaders have been trained on leadership values in the country because of what John started. I have been anxiously awaiting a broad rollout in the US ever since. I am sure you can agree, our country is desperate for this type of change.

John’s new book is coming out later this month called “Change Your World”. It will be the much-needed spark for transformation here in our communities – I couldn’t wait to be involved again!

I now realize my Paraguay experience with John took place to prepare me for this latest movement here in the US. It will begin here in my own community and you can be a part of this with us if you are feeling the urge to get involved and be a part of this positive change.

If you happen to be local to Palm Beach and would like to walk on my team, don’t just sit there, go right into your email and send me a note here that you want to walk with us! I will send you the registration details. There is a cap on how many can attend, so don’t wait too long if this is really speaking to you.

The other bit of good news is that you can also walk with us virtually if you prefer or are out of the area but still want to be involved. How cool is that? It will be a live-streamed event where you can see firsthand all of the action happening in your city. You can help us bring significance and values into your own community.

Here are the details on the 5K locally. Be sure to let me know if you are walking with my team which is the “Coffee with Kelly Team” of course, and I can make sure to have you on my roster. Break out your running shoes and don’t forget your mask!

Are you ready to change the world? Yes, it is absolutely possible but it takes action from YOU! What are you waiting for? See you there with my team or via the live-stream.

Peace and Love,



Are you one of the 80%?


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