Who will be number 1,522?

This past week, I ran the numbers and concluded that I have taken 1,521 professionals through their CliftonStrengths profile to help them better understand their strengths. What an achievement! Now you may say, why are you celebrating the number 1,521?

It’s not about the number for me, it’s about celebrating the journey that I am on and making the time to occasionally pause during the process. Pause today and reflect on something you have been working towards and forget the usual milestones associated with our goals. In short, make time for self-reflection to remain focused.

I will never forget that feeling when I first began, I had to understand my own strengths and the empowering feeling that came along once I understood the value I was delivering to the world. You see, I had become too busy in life as a mom of two boys, a wife, and a career woman who had been building her career in the same company for 21 years. I forgot to slow down and step off the hamster wheel of life to remember who I was and what I truly brought in my uniqueness. In a way, I had lost my identity and forgotten who I was while taking care of everyone and everything around me.

Discovering my strengths created the clarity needed to see what I lost within me. It allowed me to discover what made me unique and reminded me what brought me so much fulfillment within when I focused on certain tasks. It was the best gift I could have ever given to myself! It taught me my value and how to be the best version of myself. In turn, I could be better for others.

I can confirm that this is the roadmap that led to the clarity I needed to find my path and create a more meaningful life for myself. Understanding my strengths and reminding myself of who I truly am was the gift that keeps on giving for me.

So this is why I stopped to pause and celebrate 1,521st person I have been fortunate to coach through their strengths. The gift of finding one’s true authentic self so they can feel empowered and celebrate their own uniqueness.

When we understand who we are, we understand the value we bring.

Who will be number 1,522 in my journey? Only time will tell, but I can’t wait to meet them.

To Your Growth,




What caused nearly 1 in 5 Americans to leave their job within the last year?