Have you ever been in the position of attending a training and development class and experiencing a strong desire to fall asleep during the course? I think all of us have experienced this feeling in some way during our careers.

Those infamous company training sessions are typically the same experience each year – PowerPoint slides bloated with data, charts, and graphs. A talking head or the same person each year delivers the details for hours as your eyes roll into the back of your head.

Of course, don’t get me wrong, it is a good thing to inform everyone about where the company stands and what they are accomplishing. However, as a participant, it is usually more engaging when we do something that is not recycled from previous years and in some modified version of the same old format.

I set out to find something that I could bring to my clients to answer this need, and I believe that I have found the solution.

What if I could create an experience that is designed around employee training and development, but the experience is actually unique and FUN? One that allows every team member to truly be engaged in the workshop.

No more PowerPoint slides, busy charts, endless statistics, etc. Instead, just really good content which would allow the team to come together and learn more about each other. An opportunity to discover gaps within the organization and generate ideas to create and launch an action plan to take the team to the next level.

Allow me to introduce you to The Maxwell Leadership Game. Don’t let the title fool you, this isn’t a game in a traditional sense but a modern approach to learning and discovery for professional teams.

I first learned about The Maxwell Leadership Game when I was in the process of becoming certified as a coach. The first time I played it, I remember saying, “I wish I had this tool when I was leading my team years ago”! The Leadership Game allows a team to come together and learn leadership principles. Every question and discussion card is designed to trigger open and honest feedback about the current state of leadership.

The content is built from John Maxwell’s 8 best-selling leadership books which address the principles of leadership. The game can be tailored to focus on any area of the business.

Each time I facilitate The Leadership Game with a new team, I love watching the different team members come together and have a fun experience learning more about their team members and how they view leadership. It has allowed me to help my clients identify those high potentials who are on their team.

I love bringing to my network tools that have value and are worth sharing. This tool is just such a product so I am sharing it with you. I am including a video link to give you an idea of what the game plays like and how to visualize it here!

If you know of a team who would benefit from this type of experience, please forward this communication to that person or group. I would love to keep sharing this tool with more teams and bring something very unique to their leadership development program.

To your growth, 


From trash to triumph
