Just as you are getting this email, I am getting ready to walk on stage for my next keynote for the WhizBang Retail Summit in Grand Rapids, Michigan: 2023 Retail Success Summit for Independent Retailers.

This is a conference I have been truly excited to be speaking at not only because I am kind of obsessed with “firing up” an audience but because I am bringing my 17-year-old son, Evan, with me as part of The Kelly Merbler Company team (can you see my smile from Michigan?

Evan has been watching me build my business for the past 5 years and helps me behind the scenes often with administrative tasks to make sure I am fully ready for each program I facilitate. He started getting curious about being an entrepreneur over the past year and has a goal of having his own company one day. I knew when this opportunity came to speak that I was going to need someone on my team to be there and I thought who better than Evan to travel with me while he is out of school for the summer!

He will be going on the payroll for the week and helping me get set up at the conference and help with social media while I am there. Since this is a summit for entrepreneurs, I thought what a great experience this could be for him to see how others have built successful businesses and he can also attend a workshop or two while he is there about e-commerce excellence.

I know you have been a part of my journey so I always love to keep you updated on where I am going and how I am growing in hopes that I can inspire you to act on your goals.

As a parent, my heart feels so proud to be able to take my son as part of the team and share these life lessons with him so he can see what comes to life on stage after all the hard work that is put into creating a keynote message to taking it on stage in front of 500 people.
Sending you love from Michigan,
Kelly & Evan xo




John Maxwell, Marcus Buckingham, and Ryan Leak are 3 of the speakers!