To Infinity And Beyond!

This past weekend I was searching for a movie to watch with my boys at home and we decided to watch Toy Story 4. We have watched each of the Toy Story movies and have loved every one of them in their own way.

As I laughed through this most recent series and followed the storyline, I was reminded of a few lessons that I have lived through. Sheriff Woody and his Space Ranger sidekick, Buzz Lightyear helped to nudge these thoughts forward through some of the key takeaway lessons played out in this movie.

  1. It’s OK to move on: Many of us stay where we are for a long time. I submit the idea that we actually stay too long in some cases. Maybe it’s a company, maybe friendships, or perhaps it’s a career. I remember feeling so guilty on many occasions when I thought about moving on in my professional life after 21 years with a single company. I didn’t want to disappoint my team and let them down. In truth, it is sometimes best for everyone that we move on because it gives others the chance to step up and become the leaders they were meant to be. Knowing when it’s your time to step aside is also key in our growth. It’s ok to ponder those questions like: Will I even be successful if I move on? Will I find true happiness? What if I fail? In my case, the self-talk was coming from all directions. I had been loyal for over two decades, but I accepted that it was my time to do something for me.

  2. Get off the shelf: Woody referred a lot to this message in the movie. If an old toy wasn’t getting up and getting off the shelf, they would never be discovered and experience the love of a child. The same goes for so many of us who want to make a change. If we don’t get up and off the shelf, we won’t be discovered by those who can use our gifts in a different way. That new job, new career, or dream company you seek have won’t simply come to you. You have to go get it and make it happen.


3. You are not trash! One of the main characters in this latest sequel revolves around a character who goes by the name “Forky”. He is actually a plastic spork that Bonnie (the little girl) created as a new toy.

He believes he belongs in the trash and is not supposed to be used as a toy. That is his mindset. It takes much of the movie for him to understand that he brings value to others. Bonnie, however, loves Forky and sees him as her toy for entertainment and sharing her to affection. We all may see ourselves for one purpose (good or bad), but others may see what we are meant for and can give us new meaning. Many of us don’t feel loved where we are or feel comfortable being what we thought we were supposed to be, but perhaps a new career, a new boss, or a new purpose is what has been waiting for us all along. We just needed to believe in ourselves. We are all important to someone.

I do highly recommend seeing this movie. It is a great chapter in the franchise and it will have you laughing as well as shedding a few tears along the way.

There is a standout lesson that I will share as I look back at the career I left behind seeking to reinvent myself and build my own company. Once you do decide to “get off the shelf” and make that change, you will begin creating a whole new chapter in your life and there’s no telling where this next chapter will take you. It can be the most exciting move of your life!

To Infinity and Beyond!!


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There is no luck, but there is opportunity