Have you ever felt so passionate about your work you could do a cartwheel sometimes?

That was me two weeks ago when I attended the Sisterhood for Success event hosted by my good friend Cindy Metzler and Joy McAdams, who are incredible women in our community. Click here to check out Sisterhood for Success on Linkedin and give them a follow!

This event was all about supporting women in our community and coming together to hear impactful stories of what women are doing to make their communities better.

Cindy had called the week before and told me about a young woman she was just introduced to by the name of Chrystal. Chrystal, unfortunately, had run into some tough circumstances that caused her to become homeless while raising her young daughter. 

One of Chrystal’s dreams is to start her own photography company and help showcase magical moments from events here in South Florida.  As part of this amazing event, Cindy hired Chrystal to be their event photographer on the spot and had her come to photograph this amazing Sisterhood community that is building. Talk about adding value to someone!

Cindy had shared with me that Chrystal really didn’t have much, but she was so willing and eager to learn how to build a business. When I heard her sharing her story, I immediately knew I wanted to be involved and do whatever I could to support Chrystal as well in this journey to get back on her feet. 

One of my passion projects is mentoring women who want to grow and have the potential but they don’t have the resources to hire a coach. This was one that was pulling me from all directions, and I had to ask how I could help.

Long story short, Cindy asked me to join the event and meet Chrystal. Our goal was to make this experience and evening all about the Sisterhood of Success and how women can support other women. Chrystal was someone to celebrate, and it was her night.

I had brought a beautiful dozen of pink roses to give her, and when Cindy called Chrystal up to the stage to share her story, I was so excited to meet her and share that I would love to mentor her along the way with anything she wanted to ask me about entrepreneurship and most of all I want to help her discover the strengths she has within and the value she brings.
She accepted my Mentorship Proposal, and I am just thrilled!
We all go through hardships, but some have even harder ones, and we sometimes take for granted what we do have.   Meeting beautiful women like Chrystal helps me focus on what matters most and never take anything for granted.
I can’t wait to start this mentorship journey and help Chrystal unlock her strengths and see the gifts she has within her authentic self.   

We may not be able to help everyone, but when we can help someone, it may be exactly what we both need.

With Love,


leadership lessons from the kentucky derby
