Developing high-potential leaders is crucial for any organization that wants to thrive in today's fast-paced business world. These are the people who will drive innovation, lead change, and take your company to the next level. And trust me, you want to keep them around. In fact, a recent study found that organizations with strong leadership development programs have a 37% higher employee retention rate.

So, why is it so important to develop these high-potential leaders? For starters, it keeps them engaged and motivated. When you invest in their development, they feel valued and supported, which leads to greater job satisfaction and commitment. This means they are more likely to stick around, which is a win-win for both the employee and the organization.

But it's not just about retaining talent. Developing high-potential leaders also helps to build a strong bench of future leaders. As Baby Boomers retire and Gen Xers move into executive positions, organizations need to have a pipeline of talented individuals who are ready to step up and take on leadership roles. By investing in the development of high-potential leaders, organizations can ensure they have a pool of talented individuals who are prepared to lead the company into the future.

And let's not forget about the impact on the bottom line. According to a study by the Aberdeen Group, organizations with strong leadership development programs experience a 23% increase in revenue compared to organizations with weak or nonexistent programs. This is because high-potential leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to drive growth and profitability.

But developing high-potential leaders isn't just about sending them to a few training sessions and calling it a day. It requires a comprehensive approach that includes coaching, mentoring, job rotations, and other development opportunities. This not only helps to build their skills and knowledge but also gives them exposure to different parts of the organization, which is essential for developing well-rounded leaders.

I remember how hungry I was when I was first promoted to management years ago. I wanted to learn, and I was like a sponge, but now that I look back at that experience, it was more of a “sink or swim” culture, and promotion was considered our development.

I often would not know how to handle tough conversations, but I did the best I could in the situation, and often without the best approach that led me to feel like a failure at the end of the day and my team member not feeling supported.

This is one of the reasons I have worked hard to develop an Emerging Leader program for organizations. I wanted to bring something to organizations that so often is forgotten that is so critical in a company’s growth.

Recently, I wrapped up this program with a group of 10 healthcare front-line leaders, and watching them apply what they have learned in my program has been so fulfilling.

I am excited to share this Emerging Leader Program with you in the event you or any leaders you know are looking for a program to develop their high-potential future leaders. Check out what our Emerging Leader Program is about HERE!

Learn, Love, Lead,


