5 years ago I was in a prison in Paraguay.
It's hard to believe it has been five years today that I was in prison.
For twenty years I thought I knew what I wanted my career path to be, but 5 years ago that all changed. It all started when I took a trip on this very day five years ago, February 2, 2016, with the John Maxwell Team to Paraguay and saw how simple others lived and how happy they seemed when they really had nothing.
I spent time teaching leadership values in a women's prison there and will never forget the connection I felt with an inmate by the name of Patricia. She was only in her 20's and had been in prison for two years. I was there to teach her the value of a positive attitude and how if you live your life on purpose you will get closer to your dreams. Patricia shared with me that her whole life she was told she couldn't be much of anything and no one believed in her, not even her family. To me, I saw her as a beautiful warm-hearted woman who had kindness in her eyes. Patricia, like everyone else on this earth, is here for a reason.
The hard part becomes when we search to find out what that reason is.
Some people live their entire lives not knowing what they are here for and just go through life on a hamster wheel not really growing or making progress towards what they have within them that the rest of the world can use.
Patricia wanted to be a good mother and live her life to the fullest.
I could see the potential she had within her heart and that she just needed someone to believe in her. Once we had finished our lesson on leadership values it was time for our group to be picked up and taken back to our hotel. Part of me wanted to spend more time with her but it was important that I left Patricia with something that would give her hope that she also has something to offer the world.
As the inmates gathered their books I pulled her aside and looked at her closely. I told her that I wanted her to know that every morning when I wake up in Florida I will be thinking of her and telling her I believe in her. At that moment, Patricia began to cry and hugged me tightly only to tell me that no one had ever told her they believed in her, and because of my message she will make every day count and work towards being a good mother and better person. I could feel the genuine honesty she had within her voice and I knew that just a few words that I left her with would help her find her purpose and create a better life for herself.
As the old taxi van drove away from the building, I realized that I had made an impact on her life. I was 3,800 miles from home and would never see Patricia again. I felt I was picked to go to that specific prison to meet her for a reason...to help her find HER reason.
3,800 miles gave me a reason to find my purpose as well. I felt that I was here on earth to help inspire others, in all shapes and sizes, all colors, and religions. My gift became clearer to me on that trip. I would have never believed that my purpose would become clearer in a women's prison in Paraguay, but then again, maybe my purpose had been locked up for years just like Patricia and it was up to me to find the key to let it out.
I needed her just as much as she needed me.
To your growth,