I thought you may need to hear this…

There will be those times when you feel like life is pulling you down and no one is rooting for you.

Even when you are doing everything you can just to keep your head above water and are exhausted from trying to navigate the road in front of you. All you really are seeking is to catch a simple break.

You will come up against challenges that will make you want to give up and tempt you to throw in the towel for an easier option.

This is when you hit that proverbial “Y” in the road. Do you keep pushing through or do you retreat to what you are comfortable with?

If the dream within you is something that makes you feel alive, that fills your soul with purpose and significance, then you know it’s what you were meant to do. In short, it’s worth pursuing.

When you find your “WHY”, you will find your “WAY” no matter how hard it is.

Give yourself permission to take a break from the chaos and think about how far you have come.

Give yourself some credit for what you have been through and consider the strength you have demonstrated to get this far.

Dreams don’t have to come true all at once. You can build a little each day as you forge on.
The prize is in the process along with what you are learning.

I know you may be questioning yourself at times (I did too!), but I do want you to know that you are doing great job out there in the world.

Don’t give up. Remember, keep chipping away and know that I am rooting for your rise.

Lead with Love,


Table For One


It’s Contagious.