I remember the feeling all too well back in 2017.
I started to ask myself the question, "Is there more to life than what I am doing now?"
I felt a pull to grow and do something that I had never done before.
I had been doing the same job for 21 years and was good at it, but it just wasn't something that got me excited to go to work any longer.
I had reached the capacity of my growth where I was.
Was I the problem? Was it me? (I wish I had Taylor Swift on my playlist back then)
I lost my purpose and wasn't sure how to find it again.
Fast forward to 2022, and now I say, "Maybe we get lost sometimes so we can find the real treasure of who we already are."
This one's for all of the lost souls out there, so you know it will all be okay.
I believe in you.
Here's a 1-minute message from Kelly to inspire you: Click Here!