Have you ever received a nickname from your coworkers that ultimately became your identity around the office?
For me, the name “Money Merbler” stayed with me for a good portion of my 21 years in the corporate world. When I first heard it, I thought, “It’s catchy, and I kind of like it.” It was an endearment of sorts because I was the individual known for turning a bleeding profit center around.
There wasn’t an office team or region that I couldn’t transform into a money-making machine that consistently hit its key performance indicators—better known as KPIs—and sat atop the regional scorecard.
Yet, for me, as a top producer for many years, money was no longer the motivator it once was. Simply chasing KPIs for myself and my team lost its luster and drained me mentally.
Don’t get me wrong: Organizations need KPIs. Their purpose is to drive metrics and revenue and hold people accountable for the work they are paid to do. A business requires accountability to be successful. But in today’s workplace, the message derived from KPIs is not conducive to driving performance. Successful managers use KPIs to balance leading with accountability and leading with love.
The secret to success isn’t to track key performance indicators—it’s to Keep People Inspired. Here are five tips to motivate and inspire your team.
Click HERE to check out the full article and learn my five tips to motivate and inspire your team!