Leveraging CliftonStrengths in your Job Search

So many of my connections ask how knowing their strengths can help in their job search.  Both passive and active job seekers should always be thinking about how they can get themselves “out of the resume pile” and in my years of work around CliftonStrengths,
here are some thoughts as to why this tool can help you leverage your greatest talents.

In today's competitive job market, it's crucial to stand out and highlight your unique strengths and abilities. CliftonStrengths, based on Gallup's research, offers valuable insights into your natural talents, and can significantly enhance your job search. By understanding and leveraging your strengths effectively, you can increase your chances of securing the perfect job that aligns with your talents and brings you fulfillment.

1. Self-awareness and personal branding: The CliftonStrengths assessment provides a deep understanding of your natural talents and strengths. It helps you uncover your core capabilities, enabling you to articulate your unique value proposition to potential employers. By identifying your strengths, you can develop a compelling personal brand that sets you apart from other job seekers. For example, if you possess strengths like "Strategic" and "Analytical," you can emphasize your problem-solving skills and ability to think critically, attracting employers who value those qualities.

2. Targeted job applications and interviews: Knowing your strengths allows you to align your job search with roles that best suit your abilities. You can focus on industries, positions, or projects that leverage and amplify your strengths, leading to higher job satisfaction and success. When applying for jobs, customize your resume and cover letter to highlight relevant strengths that match the desired qualifications. During interviews, use your strengths as examples to demonstrate your potential contributions and how you can add value to the organization.

3. Networking and collaboration: CliftonStrengths not only helps you understand yourself better but also enhances your interactions with others. By sharing your strengths with networking contacts and potential employers, you can establish meaningful connections based on complementary strengths. Collaborative environments thrive when individuals with diverse strengths come together, and showcasing your strengths can attract like-minded professionals and open doors to new opportunities.

4. Personal development and continuous growth: Understanding your strengths through CliftonStrengths empowers you to focus on personal development and continuous growth. As you identify your areas of expertise, you can seek out opportunities to expand and refine your skills. This may involve taking relevant courses, joining professional communities, or volunteering for projects that align with your strengths. Demonstrating a growth mindset and commitment to leveraging your strengths shows potential employers that you are adaptable, open to learning, and invested in your professional development.

Incorporating CliftonStrengths into your job search strategy can be a game-changer. By leveraging your strengths, you position yourself as a valuable asset to potential employers, enhance your personal branding, build meaningful connections, and continuously develop your abilities. Unlocking your full potential through CliftonStrengths helps you secure a job that aligns with your talents and brings long-term fulfillment in your career journey.

At my upcoming Discover Your Strengths full day program I am opening for the community on 8/25 we will be covering this discussion as well as part of our focus to help you in your development journey.  

CliftonStrengths can be leveraged in so many ways in your professional and personal development, but don't take my word for it.  In this short video clip listen to what other attendees shared how knowing their strengths impacted them:

To discover your own strengths and how to leverage them for personal success, head over to my website and take the assessment. You'll find it in the top right corner here

Lead with Love,


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