3 Ways CliftonStrengths Can Improve Employee Engagement

Leadership sets the tone for culture.

A focus on strengths leads to excellence in the workplace.

According to Gallup, 70% of team engagement is determined solely by the leader. Research has shown that organizations who focus on building a Strengths-Based culture have seen increased productivity, increased employee and client engagement, and increased profits. Strengths-Based leadership is the ability to identify and make the best use of your own and your team members strengths.

When CliftonStrengths becomes a part of the culture there are 3 ways it can help in your employee engagement efforts.

1) People are recognized for the value they bring, not the weaknesses they have. How many times have you seen leaders focus on what employees need to fix instead of developing around their natural talents? When leaders focus on what's right with people instead of what's wrong with people that directly feeds into employee engagement.

2) Energized vs. Drained: Gallup has been studying this for decades. A strengths based approach focuses on what tasks or activities team members are not only naturally good at, but also what energizes them. Many leaders mistake tasks that employees are seen as being good at as their strengths when without understanding, these tasks may actually be draining your employees.

3) More Meaningful Coaching Conversations: When leaders understand who they have hired and how they can get the best out of them, engagement increases. Almost seven in 10 employees (67%) who strongly agree that their manager focuses on their strengths or positive characteristics are engaged. When employees strongly disagree with this statement, the percentage of workers who are engaged in their work plummets to 2% (Gallup)

A strengths-based approach has been proven to help teams experience up to 72% lower turnover (source: Gallup)

I recently had leaders share what understanding more about their strengths meant to them:

If you are wanting to take employee engagement to a new level in your culture we would love to bring this program to your team! What do you have planned for your next team development event?



Leveraging CliftonStrengths in your Job Search


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