2023 isn’t far
Why is it that January 1st of each year seems to grant us permission to make that change we have been putting off all year? It is like an alarm that has gone off prompting you to take action.
You are in control of the goals that you set for yourself in life. No one is going to achieve them for you.
What is it that you want from your life?
Do you want that promotion? Learn from someone who has grown their career in the direction you are seeking and ask them what steps they took to get there. Hire a career coach who can help hold you accountable. Once you decide, it is equally important to act on it.
Are you motivated to get out of your current job which is dragging you down?
Stop sitting on the couch and get out and network with professionals in the industry you want to work in. How successful has applying online to jobs been for you?
Do you want to have the winning team at the corporate awards ceremony? Meet with each of your team members and understand what they need from you to help them succeed in their roles. Then go help them do it.
Do you want to lose weight and get in shape?
Put the social media away and use that time in the gym.
Do you want to be the BEST version of who you already are? Know your strengths and surround yourself with others who complement your weaknesses. You can focus on your weakness as much as you like, but it will never take you as far as when you focus 80% of your time on your strengths.
YOU are the only one who can make lasting change.
So, what are you waiting for?