What are you pursuing? 🔥

What are you pursuing?

“I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22.” For those of you out there who also are Taylor Swift fans, you may love that song (22) as much as me. It’s 2022! A New Year with new possibilities in front of us.

So, I start this New Year by asking, what are you pursuing?

Are you pursuing more kindness?

Are you pursuing a promotion at work?

Are you pursuing your dream?

Are you pursuing being more present in the moment?

Are you pursuing that special someone you haven’t found yet?

Whatever it is you value most in this season of life, just remember, if you don’t take action, you can’t catch it.

Now, I am not one to give advice unless asked for it, so I won’t sit here and tell you what you need to do. However, what I will share is this, you can accomplish anything you want, but first you have to do something.

Start small. You don’t have to boil the ocean today. Pick the one thing that you want to pursue most in life and start with a small step that gets you moving towards it.

Perhaps that is volunteering for an organization that is close to your heart or perhaps that is scheduling an hour of “me time” on your calendar that is blocked from any meetings and phone calls for 1-hour during the week.

Personally, I am pursuing the joy of life in every way I can each day. I am pursuing more kindness and love that can be given to others to spark hope within them. I know that to pursue more of these goals, I need to display more of this myself and need to be a carrier of kindness and love to other people who need hope. If I seek something, but I don’t live it out in my own life, then I can’t expect others to do the same.

So, whatever it is you are pursuing in life, I would like to end this communication with a message from my heart. You must understand that no step towards your goal is too small to pursue no matter what that is for you.

As Neil Armstrong once said: “That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind.”

Wishing you a beautiful journey in 2022.




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