Warning! your employees are already thinking about it
During the past 6 months, I have received a considerable number of inquiries from organizations of all sizes and industries to work with them on employee engagement and retention. The goals is that they can continue to build a culture that not only attracts top talent, but also retains top talent.
In the ongoing talent war, companies are experiencing a record amount of resignation letters from employees they have had for years.
Why are they leaving after being so loyal for so long?
According to Gallup, one of four U.S. employees admit to being recruited in the past three months.
Over the past two years, the employee engagement landscape has changed, and it will continue to change. The leaders and organizations who pay attention and stay connected with their top performers will come out better than most. However, it still will take much insight and re-recruiting on their part to shape what their future could look like within the organization.
What I am finding the more I work with leaders of team is that they desperately want to communicate better to keep employees engaged, but they just don’t know how to do it.
One of my most requested leadership development and culture building programs (Strengths-Based Leadership) is being put to the test more than ever in this quest of retaining top talent and giving leaders and organizations the edge. It’s a powerful program that can provide real results for those organizations seeking to move the needle in employee engagement.
“In the war for talent, it’s not just about TALENT ACQUISITION, but TALENT ACTIVATION.” - Kelly Merbler
When leaders can understand how to tap into the natural strengths of each employee, they will find they have hit a treasure chest of sorts that can unlock their engagement, performance, and contribute to their overall well-being.
So many times, leaders see employees performing well with a specific assignment and proceed to give them more of that (or similar) work to do. In many cases, they are actually playing to the employees weaknesses, not strengths, and withdrawing from the employees’ engagement without even knowing they are – that is exactly what happened to me!
My mission is to help leaders understand where they can get the best of their employees through their strengths and how to create a sustainable ecosystem of strengths-based employee development. This allows them to focus on the areas where they have the greatest potential and yearn more of in the job they are paid to do.
For me, this work is not a career, it’s a calling, and one I am focused on collaborating with more leaders on as the war on talent continues.
If you are curious about this program and would like to schedule a discovery meeting, here are a few questions to look at as you plan your next employee development program: Request Form
When we lead with strengths, we lead with love.