Three Tips to Unleash It

If the purpose of leadership is to change things for the better, then leaders must run towards problems and seek a solution. If you want to find out what you’re made of, you need to tackle something hard – not something easy.

For several years, I have studied and interviewed successful entrepreneurs to learn what has made them successful. But what exactly is it that sets entrepreneurs apart from the rest? What is it that ignites a spark within certain people to believe in themselves enough to take a risk and follow their passion?

It’s called “the entrepreneurial spirit.”

Having an entrepreneurial spirit means more than simply wanting to start your own business, although that is a route taken by many entrepreneurs; it means holding values like creativity, passion and innovation on a higher level than profit, stability and the status quo.

Two weeks ago, I delivered the opening keynote titled “Unleash Your Entrepreneurial Spirit” to the Palm Beach County SHRM 2021 annual conference for 130 Human Resource professionals.

It was the first live event in over a year and the message revolved around how to spark that “entrepreneurial spirit” within and bring it inside your organization. In case you were wondering, yes indeed there was plenty of dancing to be had during the conference – we had fun!

The entrepreneurial spirit involves tapping into a mindset that we all possess within us. It can create a spark that can spread throughout our organizations, employees, and within our communities.

Through my experiences of profiling entrepreneurs, I have come up with three tips to help anyone who wants to make a positive change. This will not only inspire you, but can certainly help to inspire those around you as well.

3 Tips to Unleash Your Entrepreneurial Spirit:

  1. Look at problems as opportunities: Problems exist at the level of our mind. What we focus on, we will find and when a problem arises, (and in life, there will be many that cross our paths) look at the problem and how you can improve by moving through it and learning from it.

  2. Don’t accept your life, lead your life: Most people wait for other people to solve a problem to create change. When that change never occurs – they simply complain instead of taking charge. Be the person who leads change instead of accepting the status quo. We all have within us the ability to take action on an idea that can lead to a positive experience, but without action you will never gain the necessary traction.

  3. Resources are everywhere – If we are looking for them: Entrepreneurs start with nothing a lot of the time, yet they often find a way to make something out of nothing. What is holding you back from creating change in your department, organization, or even in your life? Is it money? Is it a lack of resources? Is it lack of experience? Someone out there has something you want and they were in the exact same position as you at one point in time. Yet, that person found a way to make it happen. You too can have everything you need, but first you must become everything you need!

I leave you with this quote:

“If a fire can double in size every two minutes, what would happen if you set your passion on fire?”
–Kelly Merbler

To Your Growth,


John C. Maxwell Came to Coffee with Kelly!


Give yourself the gift of growth…