The #1 Most Influential Leadership Expert Is Coming!!!

7 years ago, I sent John C. Maxwell a letter asking him if he would meet me for lunch so I could learn how to be a better leader.

I didn’t feel valued where I was working, and I knew I had so much more within me if I could find someone who believed in my abilities.

That one letter and that one lunch changed my entire trajectory.

I often wonder where I would be if I had never taken a risk and sent it.

Because of what John did for me, I promised that I would forever repay the gift of his time to mentor me to anyone who wanted to grow in their personal development.

So here you go. You can have John’s wisdom live this Saturday as a gift from me.

Named “World’s Most Influential Leadership Expert” by Inc. Magazine and voted “#1 Leader in Business” by the American Management Association, John Maxwell has a reputation that precedes him. His books have reached the top of the New York Times bestseller list, and his organizations have trained more than 6 million leaders worldwide, including executives from Coca-Cola, Walmart, Capital One, IBM, and the Marine Corps.

There’s no doubt that John Maxwell is a highly influential person with wisdom to share with people from all walks of life—and his coaching has absolutely changed mine. That’s why I want to invite you to sign up for a special invite-only live session hosted by John Maxwell on Saturday, April 30th at 8:00 am EDT.

I hope you can make it and if not, don’t worry I will be happy to send you the replay if you would like it to watch after the event so be sure to register so you will receive the replay.

I open this invite not only to you, but anyone on your team you want to include for their own leadership development so feel free to pass this invite along to them as well.

Here is the golden link:

VIP invite from Kelly Merbler: John Maxwell Invite-Only Live Session | JMT Marketing System (

To Your Growth,


employees are not just tired…


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