Plus or Minus?

Plus or Minus?

During a recent conversation with my mentor Dr. John Maxwell, we were talking about the power of adding value to others. John has a way of putting things into words which are both memorable and impactful. This one left an impression on me.

He said, “The easiest way to approach this is by reconciling your thoughts each night when you go to bed and identify those experiences where you provided a positive impact on someone that day.”  John says to honestly ask yourself if you were a plus or a minus in the interactions you had with others?

Now, I was no scholar in the subject of algebra, but this is an equation I can understand, and it has been an easy way for me to reflect on each day and ask the question: How have I contributed to humanity today?

Each day when I wake up, I commit to being intentional and start by writing in my journal the answers to these questions:

  1. Who can I add value to today? There are so many people out there who are in need of hope and for someone to simply listen. Each day I do my best to identify someone that I can give that to. It could be just a simple text with a genuine personal message or a quick phone call to let them share how they are feeling. Am I truly giving or am I always expecting something in return?

  2. Who is on my heart? Call it intuition or call it a gut feeling, but every day I think of someone that is on my mind and I pray for them. Most often, the person doesn’t know I do this for them, but I know my positive thoughts carry forward.

  3. Who am I grateful for? I practice gratitude daily. I am well aware that I have had success not because of what I can do, but what others have done to help me to become successful. There is someone every single day I can be grateful for, and I speak to them in my heart and mind to let them know I appreciate them. It sets my mind up for a positive day and it adds grace and humility to my daily routine.

I challenge you to ask yourself these questions each day. Even if you aren’t good at math, you will quickly see that you can ADD value to others and it will MULTIPLY in ways where you will feel it for many years to come.

Lead with Love,


It’s Contagious.


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