Leadership lessons from the Thanksgiving table.

We have all experienced one of those days. Last week I had the pleasure of having such a day. Although nothing catastrophic occurred, there were a series of minor events that didn't make for smooth sailing.

We expect the outcome of each event to go well and then we get zapped by an outcome that we had not prepared for or expected. It happens to the best of us in this journey called "life".

Each of us is faced with a decision to make when life throws us those unexpected curves.


As leaders, we have many decisions to make and how we handle tough situations plays a big part in the role of leadership.

I constantly remind my clients that, as leaders, we are on stage and everyone is watching what we do, listening to the things we say, and observing how we perform. It's the Law of the Picture (i.e. people do what people see) which means we have to be aware of how we come off to those we lead.

By no means does this mean that we have to function as perfect unemotional robots, but rather be humble enough to admit it when we make a mistake, make a bad decision, or just plain mess up.

With Thanksgiving being my favorite holiday of the year, I have put together a recipe (aka three lessons) featuring the "ingredients" of success discovered through my own leadership journey. I pass them onto you in hopes they will add value to you and the people around you.

1. Serve someone each day – Ben Franklin once said, "A man is never useless who lightens the burden of another". Make it your mission every day to seek out and do things that can help someone else. I promise it will make a difference in your life.

2. Change your perspective – When something doesn't go as planned, instead of allowing negative energy to consume you, think of why this is happening. Maybe it is supposed to teach you a lesson or help you grow. When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. Find the positive in why it happened the way it did and learn from it.

3. Share the secret with others – The secret to having it all begins with knowing you already do! Some of the most successful people in the world are unhappy. I have seen this in action (many times!). They have everything that most of us could dream of, yet they are never satisfied. Some of the happiest people in the world are those who have the least and are grateful for what they do have. Perhaps we should study this more. As they say, less is more and maybe that is the secret to happiness. Life really changes once we have the ability to wake up thankful for the things money can't buy.
As you begin to celebrate another Thanksgiving holiday, remember to say "thank you" to the people in your life who have made an impact. They likely don't realize the contribution they have made in your life, but for you, it has made a world of difference in your journey.

Who are the three people you need to tell that you are grateful for them?

Find a way to tell them whether it's via a phone call, a written note, or a carrier pigeon. I promise you it will make a difference in their Thanksgiving holiday.

To your growth,


Now is the time to book kelly merbler!


I Was An Addict.