Coffee with Kelly Made it Into Inc!

I couldn't wait to share the news with all of you and take a moment to pause on this special moment in my life.

Last week, Coffee with Kelly was featured in an article in Inc!

If you had told me that on March 23rd, 2020 when I launched my virtual coffee shop, Coffee with Kelly, to help people feel valued and heard, I may have thought you were crazy.

I didn't know what was brewing within the universe that has created such a special community of servant leaders all coming together every Monday and Friday on Zoom, but I can say that Coffee with Kelly has become such a huge part of my brand and my life.

It's more than people just coming together for coffee on Zoom every week, it's a tribe of people from all over the world in all different places in their lives that bring different perspectives. Listening to their stories and their ideas has made me a better leader and most of all, a better human.

If you haven't visited my virtual coffee shop on a Monday or Friday, I would love to have you as a guest so please stop by anytime you need a little "leadership caffeine" as we call it in the tribe. You can register here.

I hope you enjoy the article and I appreciate you for celebrating this special moment with me.

Love & Coffee,



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Leading With Impact Podcast