It’s Finally READY!

Three years ago, most of you know I walked away from my corporate career to follow my passion of speaking and inspiring people to become the best version of themselves. Since making that change, I have spoken to numerous audiences of all sizes, and have met some pretty amazing people along the way.

Each year, I make it a point to keep a record of my growth. I pause to reflect on how far I have come. This year I decided to have an updated speaker reel created that would remind me of how much I love what I do. It serves as an outlet to share my journey with those who have supported me along the way.

I am reminded of how hard it has been to reach this point and that I am nowhere near finished in my growth. In fact, I am just getting started!

I value your thoughts and would love for you to preview my brand new 2021 speaker reel.

Your support continues to inspire me to keep working harder and be better as a speaker and executive coach.

Let me know what you think about my new reel and who do you know that is looking for a keynote speaker?

Love & Coffee,



This one hit me hard…


Millennial Mentorship Podcast Interview