I remember the fear of failure I experienced as I was preparing for the biggest keynote in 2022.

I was excited at first, then started thinking about needing to be perfect, and all those feelings began to spiral like a snowball.

We all experience fear, from spiders to public speaking. Fear is an instinct designed to protect us. However, when we allow fear to drive our decision-making, we can miss out on growth opportunities.

Have you ever considered that fear could be holding you back?

Fear of failure is very common, but this line of thinking constricts rather than expands who we are.

The best way to eliminate fear is to face it head-on. This will mean leaving your comfort zone. Just remember, comfort zones are there for safety, not to restrict us. Comfort zones can grow if we expose ourselves to new situations. 

The best way to face fears is first to identify what you’re afraid of. Make a list of thoughts and ideas you feel are holding you back from trying new things. Use this list as a tool to help you begin to step outside of your comfort zone. You’ll be surprised at how much you can expand your comfort zone just by testing its limits. 

I lived in fear of failing for almost a year when I wanted to start my own business, but if I never took this advice for myself, I would be more fearful of staying where I was: Check out this video!

If you fear public speaking, spend some time researching this fear and how to overcome it. You may never enjoy speaking publicly, but you can become more confident in doing so. The same can be said about any fear holding you back.

We are motivated to educate as many people as possible which is why we host many events. From in-person leadership development experiences to virtual webinars and even parties to celebrate our clients, we encourage everyone to get involved with all of our offerings. Take a look at all of our exciting offerings here: THE KELLY MERBLER COMPANY

How can I help you conquer your development fears in 2023?

Cheers to crushing your fear this year,




I’ve used this for 15 years…