I said it. I failed as a manager when I was promoted.

Back then I felt like such a “failure” though.  I didn’t recognize that failure was going to set me up for success and in that season, it was hard, and I felt defeated.

I didn’t understand that promotion was not development and if I wanted to be successful as a leader, I had to understand what great leadership looks like and how to develop myself to reach my fullest potential.

As leaders, it’s not an easy role, but if we want to have our best chance to create the highest levels of employee engagement, we will need to understand the people we lead.

I recently sat down with Chuck Forbes with MoreVisibility and shared what that can look like in today’s world.   The world of work has changed, and many leaders are struggling to hold onto top talent and it is costing millions of dollars to their bottom line.

As a former top performer in my past role for 20 years, I share some insight in this podcast that may give you a look into what some of your top performers may be experiencing today that they need from you.

Take it from me.  I am the case study.

I went from highly engaged to not engaged over a 2-year period.

Check out this link to listen to this short conversation that may be exactly what you need to hear:


If you feel this would help someone you know please share it and if you took something away from this I would love to know your greatest takeaway.

Dream it.  Do it.



Special Shoutout To YOU


This Broke My Heart