From Paycheck to Purpose

The crowd was cheering. The music was playing at concert level volumes. The lights were flashing as I made my way onto the stage. I vividly remember my very first annual award ceremony. The beautiful trophy that I had earned back in 1997 and just how special it made me feel to be recognized as a rookie employee in front of all my peers for doing a good job. The years progressed and I continued to strive to do my very best. The awards kept coming year after year after year. I became addicted to the feeling associated with the "rush" of accomplishment and recognition from my leadership team. My collection of crystal awards became a quest for me each year. With every new year, I identified a number that I put down as my goal to chase that year. If I hit that goal or exceeded those expectations, then I would be able to add another trophy to my collection and also make more money for my bank account. In fact, I came to be known as "Money Merbler". That was then. 

After 21 years seemed to pass in a blink, my collection of crystal awards was all I could see on my desk.  

About three years ago I was sitting at my desk and looking at all of my awards. Reminiscing on the past when I suddenly noticed they didn't appear as shiny as I had remembered. The silver trophies were losing their luster. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy knowing that I have done a good job and that I provided a value, but it was just as if my desire to chase another award had vanished. 

I was experiencing a personal and professional evolution. As I  began to develop as a leader, the awards that I had longed for each year no longer seemed important. More money in my bank account didn't seem as exciting as it once did (generally speaking). The rush of being called up on stage no longer validated why I was here. As I developed into a leader, that journey introduced clarity and allowed me to recognize an award was not my answer to success.

Don't get me wrong, it took me a very long time to discover my purpose in life. I was getting ready to make a drastic change that would place me on a whole new path. I found the courage to walk away from the paycheck and to build on my purpose.

Recently, I released my story of how I went from paycheck to purpose. In this video interview, I covered what specific action I took to create that path for myself. If you feel this resonates with you in some way, I am sharing the link here which will take you to the full interview. This interview took place last month and was done with the intent of inspiring others to take some form of action to discover your own true self. I know the feeling all to well of feeling stuck or unable to follow a dream for various reasons.

Let 2020 be the year that you either take action or make a plan to make that change you deeply desire!

I hope you enjoy the full video. Please share if there is someone you know who would be inspired by this message. Please pay it forward.

To your growth,



We May Be In The Same Boat... 


You Can Borrow Mine.