Congratulations Are In Order!

One of the core values of The Kelly Merbler Company is Giving Back. I have had so many blessings in my life and so many wonderful people who have helped me along the way so it's always something that I want to do to help others as well.

Every year, I put a call for nominations out on my LinkedIn page for anyone to nominate a nonprofit that they feel deserves to be recognized and receive one of my leadership development programs. It is amazing to see the nominations come in from all over the country from people who want to see a nonprofit celebrated and given the gift of leadership development.

Many nonprofits do not have the financial resources to do a leadership development program so it lights my heart up that I can give back something that will help them in their mission and develop their leaders.

This year we had two winners chosen and I was so excited to bring one of my most popular team building and development programs to an amazing nonprofit that is serving our foster care community: 4KIDS - 4KIDS, Inc.

I was able to spend a full afternoon with twelve amazing team members at 4KIDS and we played The Leadership Game, which always brings up great conversation and learning around leadership around the principles of my mentor, John C. Maxwell.

I will be putting out a call for nominations again in the future so if you know a nonprofit that you want me to add to the list be sure to email me so I can be in touch when the call for nominations goes out again.

Lead with love,


How To Lead With L.O.V.E.—And Why It Matters For Your Organization


Sometimes we need to fire ourselves