International Women's Month is a time to recognize the contributions and achievements of women all over the world.

This year, International Women's Month will be celebrated under the theme "Embrace Equity".

This campaign theme seeks to get the world talking about why "equal opportunities are no longer enough" - and can, in fact, be exclusionary rather than inclusive.

Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. 

Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.

When I think of "Embracing Equity", nothing speaks to me more than the uniqueness that we all bring through the strengths we were each given. When someone takes the time to understand who we are and why we do things the way we do, it is so meaningful and shows that although we think differently, we all have value.

There is nothing more inspiring to me than seeing a woman "own" her uniqueness and her authentic self because she knows only she can do things the way she can.

When leaders (men and women) take the time to understand what women want to do more of in their work and help them develop in their areas of strength, we create a more engaged workforce and we empower women to not be afraid to be their authentic selves. Instead of tolerating women, we celebrate them.

Think about how powerful that gift we all have within us really is and when we embrace it, and others celebrate that gift we have and help us find more opportunities to use it we can SOAR!

Most importantly, we need to support and empower women to speak up and be heard. Women have the power to drive change and shape the future, but only if they are given the opportunity and the support to do so. We need both men and women to keep it going.

I hope you can join me for our Women Who Inspire Series at Coffee with Kelly all March long where we will hear stories from inspiring women who are lifting other women up through their unique gifts.

As you think about how far we have come in the world, think about how much work we still have to do. We can all be a match for someone else’s flame and each one of us can impact a woman in some way. The question is, what is one thing you can do to keep the flame burning?

With Love,


