70% Of This Is Determined By Your Managers…

Leadership sets the tone for culture in an organization. 

A focus on strengths leads to excellence in the workplace.

According to Gallup, 70% of team engagement is determined solely by the leader. Research has shown that organizations that focus on building a Strengths-Based culture have seen increased productivity, increased employee and client engagement, and increased profits. Strengths-Based leadership is the ability to identify and make the best use of your own and your team members' strengths.

As a leadership consultant, I have worked with many organizations to create Strengths-Based teams. I have seen the results and they are compelling from an ROI and a cultural perspective.

I personally utilized used the StrengthsFinder profile and it fundamentally changed how I approach my life. The more I understood how I showed up as a leader, it became clear how everyone on my team approached the work they were paid to do. It provided me with the clarity needed to ensure I was valuing what they brought to the team and celebrated how their individual strengths contributed to the strength of our team.

When we allow our employees to share in a common language, it unites them because they understand what each other’s strengths are on the team. Employees can celebrate what they do well and focus their development in the areas where they possess the greatest potential to be productive and engaged. 

It’s time you invested in your team and I want to help you build a sustainable employee development program that allows each employee to be the best version of who they already are.

To schedule a conversation with Kelly, please email kelly@thekellymerblercompany.com.        

To your growth,



Management Is Not Leadership.


Does Your Company Culture Need A Tune-Up?