A Little preview for you

We are only 66 days away from Live2Lead South Florida and the room is filling up fast. I am so excited to bring our community together for this special leadership event and have us all in one room together. I just got back from the Maxwell Leadership Conference where I had the pleasure of being the speaker host and I got to meet Ryan personally backstage and learn a little about him. He is a true servant leader who has a heart and passion to help others grow. It was also the first time I had heard Ryan Leak speak and I was blown away! I can’t wait to hear him again this coming week as one of the keynote speakers for the HR Florida 2023 Conference. Ryan brought his humor into his message and made the audience of over 3000 feel like he was talking to each one of us individually. No wonder John Maxwell has invited him to be one of our keynote speakers for the upcoming Live2Lead conference this October. I wanted to give you a preview of Ryan Leak so you can get to know him a little more before the Live2Lead event:

I will be sharing previews of our other speakers in the coming weeks, but for now I hope this gets you excited as October 27th is fast approaching.

Tickets can be purchased here: www.kellymerblerco.com/l2l-sign-up

I can’t wait to light up our community and grow together.




Today she would be 81...❤


Building Resilient Leaders: Strategies for Thriving in Change