
According to Gallup, 70% of employee engagement stems from front line leaders. If I heard this, I would be paying very close attention. I remember when I was an individual contributor that was tapped on the shoulder to be the next manager and I had no idea how to effectively lead people. I knew how to manage KPIs, but I did not have experience with coaching conversations, managing conflict, or building culture.

Basically, it was as if my promotion was my development and I was sent on my way. I remember how frustrated I was at times because I didn't know how to handle different situations as a team leader and I also know my team was frustrated with me because I wasn't exactly a great leader.

This is why I wanted to create a program for emerging leaders so they could be set up for success and feel confident in their growth and development.

My Emerging Leader Program is exactly what I needed when I was asked to take the reins on a team and give practical tools to create a culture that others want to be a part of, handle coaching conversations, and create a team that focuses on strengths.

Has this piqued your interest? Here is what one of my client partners recently said about this program he sent 10 emerging leaders to:

If you would like to schedule a call to learn more or set up your team for a fall development program, we can't wait to serve you!

Lead with Love,


How do Leaders go from boss to coach?


Today she would be 81...❤