51% Are Looking

Why do some organizations thrive while others struggle to retain their top talent? The answer might lie in the way they nurture and develop their rising leaders. It's no secret that investing in the growth of your employees pays dividends in the long run. But just how significant is the value of developing these future leaders in your organization?
According to Gallup, a staggering 51% of employees are actively looking for a new job and part of that reason is because they don’t feel someone is invested in their development. In other words, if your organization isn't actively engaged in developing its rising leaders, you might as well be hanging a "Help Wanted" sign on the front door.
Employee turnover is like a leak in a boat – the longer it goes unchecked, the more damage it causes. The costs of replacing employees can be astronomical, both in terms of time and money. But what's even more troubling is the loss of institutional knowledge and expertise that comes with each departing employee. As you wave goodbye to your top talents, you're also bidding adieu to the unique skills, experiences, and insights that have contributed to your organization's success.
So, what's the solution? The answer is clear: invest in developing your rising leaders. Here are a few compelling reasons why this investment is so crucial:
1. Boost Employee Retention: As mentioned earlier, the data from Gallup underscores the link between development opportunities and employee turnover. When you actively engage your employees in personal and professional growth, they are more likely to stay with your organization. This not only saves you money but also helps maintain a stable, experienced workforce.
2. Enhance Employee Engagement: Employees who are actively learning and growing in their roles tend to be more engaged and motivated. They feel a sense of purpose and progress, which leads to higher job satisfaction and productivity. Engaged employees are an invaluable asset to any organization, driving innovation and creativity.
3. Identify and Nurture Potential Leaders: Developing your rising leaders allows you to identify those who have the potential to lead your organization in the future. By investing in their growth and providing them with opportunities to learn and take on new challenges, you are cultivating a pipeline of talented leaders who can steer your company toward success.
4. Enhance Your Employer Brand: Organizations known for their commitment to employee development are more attractive to top talent in the job market. A strong employer brand can help you attract and retain the best and brightest, giving you a competitive edge in the talent war.
Developing rising leaders is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. It involves creating a culture of continuous learning, providing mentorship and coaching, offering opportunities for skill development, and recognizing and rewarding achievements. The goal is to make employees feel valued, supported, and empowered to reach their full potential within the organization.
So, how can your organization start its journey to develop rising leaders and unlock the immense value they bring? It begins by asking a simple question: "Are we providing our employees with the tools and opportunities they need to grow and succeed?"
If you are looking for a program that we built specifically for rising leaders in an organization then allow me to share our Emerging Leader Program with you. This program was created to give rising leaders a foundation to start their leadership journey and set them up for success in the transition. 
I know what it feels like to be that hungry leader who wants to grow, but the option wasn’t available so I moved on. “If you’re not prepared to let them GROW, be prepared to let them GO.” - Kelly Merbler
As you are looking at what programs you need for 2024 we hope this will be one you will consider.


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