You know the saying “Empowered women empower women.”

Every time I read that statement, I realize how hard it is to find women who really do want to empower other women. Gallup research has shown that when women have a network of other women who support them, their wellbeing is healthier.

According to a Gallup study, 66% of female employees believe it is “very important” to find a job that allows them to do what they do best. If women don’t hear often what they do best, their emotional wellbeing will suffer.

I live by the mantra that I can’t change everything around me, but if I change how I am around others, then I can begin to make an impact in my own world for those around me.

So, being that it is International Women’s Month, I want to share 4 tips that I practice to inspire other women in my world!

I challenge you to act on one of these tips this week to let another woman in your circle know what she does right.

Which one of the four will you act upon?

Lead with love,


Hey There!!


Elevating Organizational Growth