As I reflect on my journey from graduation to where I stand today, there are a few key insights I wish I had known earlier. These nuggets of wisdom could have potentially transformed my post-graduation experience. Among them, the first and foremost would be recognizing and leveraging my strengths.

1.    Know Your Strengths: Before stepping into the real world, I wish I had taken the time to truly understand what makes me unique. Discovering my strengths through tools like the CliftonStrengths assessment would have provided invaluable insights. Understanding my natural talents and inclinations could have guided me towards career paths and opportunities where I could excel and find fulfillment. By embracing my strengths, I could have approached challenges with confidence, knowing that I had innate abilities to rely on.  If you haven’t taken this assessment yet, it’s a MUST DO: CliftonStrengths Top 5 | en-us - Gallup

2.    Take Calculated Risks: Another tip I wish I had embraced earlier is the importance of taking risks. Graduation marks the end of a familiar chapter and the beginning of uncharted territory. While it's tempting to stick to the safe and known path, taking calculated risks can lead to incredible growth and opportunities. Whether it's pursuing a passion project, applying for a challenging job, or even traveling to unfamiliar places, stepping out of my comfort zone could have opened doors I never knew existed.

3.    Build Meaningful Connections: Lastly, I wish I had prioritized building meaningful connections from the start. Networking isn't just about collecting business cards or LinkedIn connections; it's about cultivating genuine relationships that can offer support, mentorship, and collaboration. Investing time in networking events, reaching out to alumni, and staying connected with classmates could have provided a strong support system as I navigated the post-graduation landscape.  Gosh, I wish I was doing Coffee with Kelly back then: Join Coffee with Kelly

While I can't turn back time and implement these tips during my graduation season, I can certainly share these insights with current graduates. By knowing and embracing their strengths, taking calculated risks, and building meaningful connections, they can embark on their post-graduation journey with confidence and purpose. Graduation is not just an end but a beginning filled with endless possibilities, and these tips can serve as guiding lights along the way.

To your growth,



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